Episode 41: Sandra Garcia

My next guest, is my friend Sandra. We are legit friends that live not too far from each other. 

We’ve taken our relationship from social media to real life, to actually collaborating on a project last year and designing 2022 calendars which is why I’m so proud to have her on the podcast to share her story as a designer. She’s such an awesome person, so I hope you enjoy our conversation.  

Website: papelitoslindos.com
IG: @papelitoslindos

Facebook: @papelitoslindos

OMG if you haven’t already check out all of PL designs and send her a happy anniversary on her Instagram! I’m so glad to have her as a friend who inspires me and helps get me thinking deeper about business and life in general. 

Thank you so much for listening. There will be a new episode every Tuesday, so after you listen feel free to take a screenshot to post on IG and tag @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online. I always like to hear from people and how they resonate with the stories I share. SO leave a review on apple podcasts so we can get more ears listening to these stories and we can continue elevating la cultura. Alright, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week.


Episode 42: Karina Daza


Episode 40: Renata McElvany