Episode 36 - Karina Mora - Season Finale
Hola hola!!!
We made it! Finished another amazing season of Elevating la Cultura podcast! I’m so grateful for each guest, and everyone that has listened! At the end of last season we had 700 downloads, and now we are at over 1350 downloads. Like I’m so so agradecida for all the support, and feedback that keeps me going and sharing our stories.
Right now I’m recording this episode LIVE for those of you watching on YouTube. I’m also streaming on IG live…so if anyone has comments or questions feel free to post, and I’ll get to them at the end.
All of my guests this season have had such an immense amount of wisdom to share. I’ve had time to reflect on my own educational experiences, and I’ve gained a better understanding for how I can reconcile with my past in a way that can shift things for the next generation. It’s complex and takes work, but Whenever we have conversation, and listen to each other’s stories it’s easier for us to empathize and gain a different perspective on life.
In this season we focused on Latinas in the education space. Many of us have viewed our years in school, as something that was to be prioritized. Growing up as an immigrant or first or second generation immigrant we might have this immense pressure to strive for a higher education as a thank you to what our parents sacrificed for us.
I knew my father immigrated and didn’t attend highschool in Mexico. So as the oldest in my family, I knew excelling and getting a higher education would make my family so proud. I loved seeing how proud my parents were when I would get good grades. They would tell the rest of the family how well I was doing, and if I got into honors. That led to my perfectionism, and me always striving to be the best.
It wasn’t until this season that I’ve started to process how the high expectations I had as a child have translated to who I am today. But that’s what I mean, when we make time to hold space for conversations and share our stories, we learn more about ourselves along the way.
Which is why I’m so thankful for each guest sharing their story. I think back to when I first met Carolina from episode 26 and I was in awe to find another Latina mom who homeschooled. And she homeschooled in a way that led with love, and understanding for her children. I love that our conversation opened up the season and offered representation in the homeschooling space. She helped me see that the homeschooling space was a space for me too.
And actually through her I met Analily in episode 29 who showed me that public school education and parenting in general could be different from a rigid, strict, controlling foundation. I mean seriously my mind was blown and I was obsessed with her content. I could relate to her desire for wanting to shift the narrative when it came to parenting, and the fact that she was able to also apply it to the classroom, made me think that I would totally send my kids to be students in her class if I could.
And after meeting her I started to see and hear of other educators working hard to change the narrative of education mostly because of the experiences they had as children too. I mean women like Vanessa episode 27, and Lisset episode 28, who are literally building a school for kids to learn in an environment that will elevate their culture while also giving them a great foundation for learning. And Veronica episode 31 who has built a daycare in her community and is changing the idea of what a daycare can be.
I can also really appreciate the space that Margarita episode 30 is creating through Latinxchange, because after speaking with teachers this season I can understand how important it is to find the support needed since educators are working so hard to provide a safe learning environment for their students while also helping them socially and emotionally.
Being surrounded by other like-minded educators to be encouraged and supported is crucial if they want to be able to continue making positive change for their students.
Hearing from teachers like Vanessa Mendoza in episode 32 gave me a better understanding of what a special education blended class room is. It was also great to hear from her on how to get the support needed as a parent and to not be afraid to advocate for what you need or what your child needs because there are people who will help.
Brenda’s story on episode 33 was so impactful and I’m so thankful for all the work she is doing beyond the classroom to work at the national level to help change the view of educating to include the student as a whole, as the foundation in a classroom.
I know my high school years were a hot mess. From figuring out what to do with my life, while keeping my grades on point, and trying to have a social life and stay active with after school programs… All while processing or many times not processing micro aggressions, since I had assimilated and wasn’t really supported with my mental health…high school was hard. That’s why I’m SO encouraged in talking with Maria Luisa on episode 34 and hearing how so many teachers are now prioritizing mental health in the classroom and teaching kids how to advocate for themselves. And even knowing that we can be better equipped as parents to continue those conversations at home. I mean that is HUGE!
I think that episode 35 with NoNieqa helped me process the most. I had recorded her episode a few weeks prior to releasing it, and my conversation with her really touched me and helped me put to words things that I had been feeling. I mean she is amazing at empathizing from past experiences and understanding why generations before us made the decisions they did. Because of that she is able to help bridge generations into conversations that will help each one understand each other just a little bit more.
And I think that’s the goal. To cultivate spaces for conversations between generations to happen so we can have understanding for each other. but so many times we get caught up in the day to day don’t take the time to learn from each other. That’s why I’m so proud of this space. As parents, caregivers, and educators we all really just want to support our kids in who they are. To elevate and encourage them to be better than we are, so they can create a better future for the future generations.
I mean how amazing is that to know that Latina’s are working hard against their own past experiences to make sure that it’s improved for the coming generations. I’m so proud to know each and every one of my guests this season. I have such hope for the future, in knowing that our youth are being supported socially, emotionally, as well as academically. Let’s keep pouring into our schools, our teachers, and our children.
Ok amigos, Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this conversation please rate on apple podcasts, share, take a screenshot to post on IG @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online
I always like to hear from people an how they resonated with the stories I share. En serio. I respond to the DMs and messages. So, muchisimas gracias for another amazing season, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos pronto.