Episode 125: Rosalie Ennes

Rosalie is a risk strategist, advisor, and founder of Portecua Consulting, a Latina-owned consulting firm that specializes in helping entrepreneurs identify and get ahead of risks so they can build beautiful businesses that are protected, optimized and well-positioned for growth and impact. Whether it’s through a consulting project, as a 1:1 advisor, via workshops, or with her upcoming book, Build a Beautiful Business con Confianza, she equips business owners with a risk lens so they can make great decisions for their businesses and become the powerhouses and changemakers they are meant to be. 

Enjoy our conversation.

Website: www.portecuaconsulting.cpa

IG: @portecuaconsulting


YouTube: @portecuaconsulting

Ok, check out Rosalie's book launch events, and join us in Chicago on March 24

Thank you so much for listening, please rate and review this podcast so we can get more ears listening to these stories and can continue elevating la cultura. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online. I always like to hear from people and how they resonate with the stories I share. SO, feel free to take a screenshot of this episode and share it on IG and tag @elevatinglacultura. 

Enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week.


Episode 127: Monica Acosta


Episode 124: Jackie Montoya A&M Financial